Saturday, October 16, 2010

170.0 Again and a Laundry List of Happenings-with updated Negative Nelly Post

I gave up coffee and replaced it with tea and greater quantities of water this week. It seems to be doing the trick a bit. I have steadily lost ounces everyday this week. This morning the scale returned 170 exactly. It is not yet back to my brief brush with 166 but I will take it and plod steadily forward towards goal.

I leave for New York next Thursday. I still hate to give myself clothing rewards but will probably crumble if I find anything while I am there. I am pondering boots just now.

We are in all battle stations getting the house re-prepared to go on the market. It is amazing how you can make a list of things that need to be done and then keep finding more and more as you get that list done. Yesterday it was painting my main hallway and a bathroom. Today it will be a bit of tiling and a massive move of stuff to storage. Sunday and Monday will be cleaning day sand I am sure more fixing.

arghghghg-this is why I envy the people who manage to get stuff done. I spent all afternoon typing math solutions into documents and uploading them for my class. I have now spent 4 hours past when I was ready to go to bed typing up articles for the paper I volunteer for (these are one day late I might add). Work on the house? Nada---cleaning...nada zip. I am drowning in mess here and it drives me nutty.

On the food front-it was crap. I did not eat one meal today. cookies, popcorn, one cup of tea and 2oz of cheddar cheese. I am hungry right now but at 1 am I am just asking for yet another night of missed sleep this time hanging in the bathroom hacking up acid. Nooo thank you. I will settle for a much needed glass of water and sleep. Last night I didn't sleep because I was stressing about the stuff I finally got done this afternoon. and yep..i am a negative Nelly tonight.


Alison said...

That's great, well done. I drink lots of coffee, I really ought to do the same as you.
Enjoy NY, I'm so jealous!

Lap Band Gal said...

Good for you on the tea, hopefully that will work. Hae fun in NY! :)