I went to my daughters house today for breakfast. She had some clothes saved for me to try on. Ones that looked great on her a mere 6 months ago but she has since shrunk out of. She said I should try them on..I was dubious. Well I now am the proud owner of two pairs of sized 10 (yes 10...10, 10, 10, 10) jeans and then two pairs of the same sized slacks and two sized medium tops and tadahhh finally a sized small cardigan. Ok..I am not completely delusional The slacks were from the Gap and the jeans were Wranglers and stretch on top of it.
During the afternoon We all went shopping to the outlet malls. I tried on a couple of cardigans at Cabi (one medium did not fit while one did but neither of them were very flattering). I went to Liz Claiborne and tried on a pair of dark blue jeans. They fit nicely (sized 10). I found an awesome muffin-top smoothing camisole at Liz Claiborne. A size medium top smoothed my muffin top quite nicely. The camisoles came in white, black and nude however the only size medium came in nude or I would have bought all three.
My dream size...12...my 5 pounds from goal size....10........wow.
Update: On a lark I went back in time (thanks for the idea Kajun Gumbo). This time in 2007-I was waiting to get an appointment to see Dr. Wolfe and going through my pre-visit tests (weight-298). 2008-barfing up a chicken sandwich after driving through MacDonalds and thinking I could drink, eat and drive like I used to (weight-280). In 2009 I was in Dresden on a business trip and feeling pretty smug with myself about my weight-loss (Just in the largest size in the regular section and weight-225).
Wow Tina!! You are doing so well!
You are about 5 inches taller than I am, and weigh less than I do now!
Which means that I will need to get down to about 130-140 and a size 6 to look as good as you do now!!!
And over 130lb loss...and still going!! Fantastic!
Ere - will you disappear?
Well done!
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