Sunday, January 23, 2011


1. I think my 4th grade daughter is hitting puberty and if this i sign of things to come I am very afraid. That girl has a mouth...We are working on it. I am planning on contractual goal setting, rewards and consequences. I have never been very good with follow through. Wish me luck!!

2. Today was a pretty good food day (minus the 1/2 price British Cadbury's had at our local British grocery store). I skipped breakfast and coffee (when you punish your child sometimes you get punished too). We were supposed to get the coffee before her knitting class but we were late because she refused to get dressed. We were supposed to go after but miss lippy lip got lippy and I had to remove the reward. We had scrambled eggs for lunch at home instead. Those eggs held on in my stomach really well.
mid-afternoon brought the chocolate (Grace was gone and I could have a well-deserved treat to reward myself for my difficult morning). I had a coffee drink at Costco in the afternoon. and then dinner was medium cooked steak and a tablespoon each of cooked spinach and mushrooms. Tonight I did have a bit more chocolate and a British style cookie. This is all probably more than what I ate during my peak losing phase but better than what I have been eating since before Christmas. I still do think I might need a fill but I am going to tough it out for a while and see how much self-control I can exert and whether the tight loose thing stabilizes.

3. I looked at protein powder and bought some protein bars. Still not sure if that is the answer or not.

4. We did a crud-load of shopping. It took us four grocery stores to get all of what we needed. Now I ask is shopping different from when we had a green grocer, a butcher and a baker??? I still have to schlep around just now I have a car and miles in between them. Question though--David didn't know the answer to this one. When we just shopped from specialty store to specialty store..which one sold the toilet paper? hmmmmmmmmm :) Out here in the states I have always shopped at a supermarket. David grew up with the triple local specialty shopping. I pine for those days sometimes. While shopping we counted the amount of pre-packaged items our cart contained-we are now down to 3 (raisin bran-that I do not eat), protein bars (I do eat sometimes), bread (I do eat). We debated whether canned tomatoes and lunch meat counted. We also debated whether flavored yogurt did. Not bad really though considering our cart was filled with fruits and vegetables. We shunned the rest of the meat to get it organic.

5. I did not check my computer all day! it was liberating. Instead I knitted, talked to humans face to face and did some more spinning. My Welsh Highland sheeps wool is now yarn. I still smells like the Newport train station.

6. I have eaten in the evening again (chocolate and the cookie..I am afraid about acid indigestion in bed tonight).

7. I love weekends..even when Grace is a poop. Honestly tonight was fine-I think our joint consistency and individualized attention for a day was effective. Long may it last.

Well I'm off to bed..Happy Sunday!



Dinnerland said...

Isn't it great to have computer and tech holidays? It is so tempting to keep checking and checking-- but I find it is often best to get away from all screens and get into real life, particularly on the weekends...
Sorry to hear about your mouthy little one. I'm not looking forward to that stage, but I have several years!!

Lyla said...

I'm not sure what type of protein bar you're looking for, but I really like the Zone Perfect bars-- I do them for breakfast and I find they stick with me for a while. They have about 15g of protein-- I've seen higher, but these taste good ;) Cinnamon Roll is my fave.

Good luck with puberty! I was an "early bloomer" like Grace and I'm sure I was a peach. I know you have older daughters, so you've been there done that, but my best to you anyway!

Lonicera said...

Mmm - Mum had the same technique with me too, plus the wagging finger. Do you wag your finger? I must admit it did work though!

Are there British things you can't get at your special shop which you've used/tasted here and would love to have? I'm curious to know. If it was me, I'd probably yearn for the variety of cheeses you get in the UK, decent marmalade, home-made sponge cake you don't have to make yourself, butterscotch... and biscuits, particularly shortbread. I think the UK has the best quality and variety of biscuits in the world.

Deduction: I'd be skinnier living elsewhere. OK OK.

The Cozy (not crazy) Coconut said...

Oh gosh, I don't look forward to my 4 yr old daughter getting older. She's tempermental enough! I'm glad you've had a nice weekend. And I was impressed by how carefully you shop to avoid processed foods. That's so healthy!