So the cheating part. When I first found Justine's Adventures in Bandland blog I found that I Liked her writing style so I dug around to her other blogs and then found her links (wow sounds very stalkerish as I type it)...but the thing is. She has some great crafting links. So I started following some of them. This led to other links then my own making stuff blog (We Did it). Well then I got sucked into the whole if you make stuff you need pictures and viola..whole mornings have been spent taking pictures and posting them on this other blog. Then hopping around on crafty blogs looking at their stuff. Very fun but it has sucked the life out of my lapband blog interest.
Which brings me back to this lapband blog. I think it is healthy in a sense for this to happen. As I come up on my goal (whatever that is going to ultimately be) I find myself living life and not worrying as much (Oh don't think I have given up worrying all together) about dieting, weightloss, what goes into my mouth, etc. I can spend my time doing life things.
After all that is the greatest gift this band has provided. I have a life now that I never had before. From the time I was a child much of my time was spent thinking about how I should avoid food, not eat it, cheat with it, misbehave with it etc. With the band I can have a relationship with food that is healthy. I can eat any thing. I can cook anything. I can be in rooms with baked goods and not break out in a sweat. I can spend all of the time I once spent worrying and then guilty about my transgressions doing other things. and I am doing other things. It is the most joyful aspect of this journey of all.
This is my 300th post. I just noticed it...What a long, wonderful and life-changing journey this blog has followed!

May, 2010

January 2010

October 2009
September 2009
August 2009
June 2009 (I was down 50 pounds in 8 months-so you early banders don't get frustrated by slow loss)
August, 2008 Just before surgery.
Wow, you look amazing! And go ahead with your crafty self, I love that you're living life, not worrying about food, what a gift. Congratulations!
Wow, love the transformation! Rock it SOLID baby!
What a look so much younger too
Whooo Hoo Look at you!! Way to go!
I don't think the secret was your crafting (I'm sure you've mentioned it before - some hint perhaps??), but that you had lost as much as you have. It's wonderful, and I can quite understand how much it must have changed your life. You look so amazingly different.
I've said all along (about myself) that I wanted to get rid of the immense weight of gilt on my shoulders about being too heavy, so that I didn't have to think, talk or write about it any more, because I was so sick of the whole subject... and my blog reflects that. Yes it's terribly important for now, but I can't wait to be shot of it and write about other things altogether.
So, your blog has served its purpose, there's a happy ending. Many, many congratulations!
Those pictures are amazing to show the weight loss. Good for you. I look forward to starting new things.
What a beautiful smile you have, lovely lady and look at you. So tall and slim! I'm stoked for you. Beautiful transformation!!!
OMG you look fantastic!! What a journey and how successful you have give me encouragement and hope! I think everyone finds their focus shifts along with their's only natural.
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