Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cooking, Food and 120!!!

After reading Roo's blog post this morning and indulging in my own cook fest this afternoon I got to thinking about stages I went through post banding.

One of my 'stages' was a period when I mourned food. I couldn't eat hamburgers and fast food. For a while I stalked a couple of blogs that did hamburger reviews at various local fast food places. They took pictures of their meals and rated them using scales of hamburgery lovliness. Why did I need to see hamburgers? I think it was mourning. I had to say goodbye to my lovely burgers and fries. I had salivating chewing experiences where I drove past a hamburger place and found myself having spontaneous fantasies where I relived my old eating feelings. Eventually I gave up the blogs. and gave up the desire to drive to hamburger places. I don't even miss them much anymore. I can have a bite occasionally if my husband has one but that is good enough.

What is weird though..is that I would say I think about food more now than I ever did before I got a band. I plan out my small culinary experiences so that I can savor them. Today I spent the morning cooking a rich Turkey burger sauce that I had for lunch over bread cubes and parm. cheese (recipe with pics will be here tomorrow). I also made cream of mushroom soup ala Julia Child. This evening I whipped up lemon scones.

I think this new desire to cook comes from three places. One-I want my piddly small meals to count. I want each and everything that passes my lips to be the best quality the best tasting and exactly how I want it. Why waste such a small amount on something of poor quality and not good. The second place is a new found freedom to have baked goods, bread, and truly tasty foods in the house. Most of the time baking cookies or scones will not send me off on a full on food fest of hoovering the whole batch. One cookie or scone is good enough. They will be there tomorrow and I can whip up another batch in minutes. I can only say most of the time because I have still had the occasionally snack-bender and need to watch for the signs. Finally..three-I have enough energy to shift myself into the kitchen and keep the house clean and get my work done (I also am only working part time so have a wee bit of time too)....

so from food mourning to food reawakening and very transformative. Really a nice place to be I think. Have you mourned food? Have you changed your thinking about food? How about expanded your food choices? Lets see how many comments I can collect this time :)

OH...and...I have officially lost 120 pounds as of this morning.



Roo said...

LOL...isn't it amazing how our attitudes change towards food. I am exactly like you...I am definitely more food focused since being banded, but in a good healthy way! Thanks for reading my blog!
Congratulations on 120lbs, awesome!

Fluffy said...

Congratulations! Amazing.

-Grace- said...

Congrats on the 120 lb loss!

I am finding that I also am becoming more interested in cooking and even trying new things because, as you said, I want what little I can eat to be fantastic!

Sandy said...

First, congrats on losing 120 pounds. Way to go. I have cut back eating out especially fast food. I am trying to cook more and freeze my portions. I to believe that food should taste good. Some of my taste has come back since I stopped numbing them with fast food and junk. Great post.

DB said...

120 spectacular pounds - way to go! My attitude towards food has definitely changed for the better - I no longer crave bread & baked goods!!!

Girl Bandit said...

Loved your last 2 posts...tons of wisdom in there...thanks

chrry said...
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