I arrived home in a foul mood. My afternoon was pure hell. Just to recap my moaning angst.
1. I got cut off from the online system at the university in July. At the time they said it was because my contract had expired. I alerted my boss because I was cut off and had not been paid since April. I was on vacation so not having access to the library was a bit difficult but still sub-optimal. Now that work is back on I called the online people on Monday to get my online account reinstated. Their story changed this week and the reason I was told mine didn't work was because I had ham stringed the technology by selecting a user name that matched a graduate form three years ago. After a phone tree handoff for three people I was told I was on my own and would need to re-register online. I tried today and it would not work. I called tech support (number 1 from Monday) and they reiterated the old student problem and then left me on hold for 10 minutes while they tried to figure out the problem. They then told me a work ticket would have to be put in and I would get an email when the problem was fixed. so end of August and I have been paid for some of my summer work but no spring work and still do not have online access even though I need to enter student grades by the end of the week.
2. I went to buy a transit pass on Monday and was told that i needed UV status in order to get the cheaper faculty price and get automatic pre-tax or post tax monthly salary billing for the pass. I called my support person who said 'there is a form for that" and she wrote a promised employment letter and I picked it up at our main office (mine is across campus from this office). I took this letter in today and was told that although I got the reduced rate my status was not one of the 9 (no one said this on Monday) that might provide a monthly pay option. When I asked which of the 9 was the right 9 n one could tell me. My departmental support person didn't know either and has promised to call HR tomorrow and find out. I paid a year ahead and got really annoyed (when I get annoyed I tear up which SUCKS!!)
3. As I finished up the transit purchase I discovered they wanted to put the transit sticker on my employee ID card. I was getting one next and told the guy behind the counter (after I got testy and got teary...he say the would remember me and to come back with my new card). II went over to the admin building and got a new ID card but after they put in my new details (like I was employed and actually faculty/staff they handed me an expired ID card. When I said something the guy behind the counter said that I would now need to go to HR to get a date sticker (I kind of lost it and explained as calmly as I could that I had just spent the afternoon walking from office to office with little success). the manager in the office suddenly said they had a sticker in the drawer and that they would put it on my card for me (sheesh!!!)
4. I turned in a late registration document for one of my students from two weeks ago. My student thought she had registered online but I could not check because I have no flipping access to the university system. by the time I had someone look it up for me (a week later) I found out she had not registered after all. I sent her a copy of the forms with the correct information so she could sign and date the form and fax it back to me. I took the form in only to be told that since it was a week after the class I would need to petition hr admission to the class. I called her today and proceeded to get the forms filled out and get yet another signature. I was just about the haul the paperwork back off to the registrars office when a colleague told me that all I needed to do was sign the override box and they would take the original late registration form I took in on MONDAY!! I took it over and they took it without comment.....!!!!!
sooo after a day that felt much like I imagine life was like during the soviet union and people had to stand in lines all day for a loaf of bread I came home in a very foul mood.
I decided that if any day required a 4th prozac it was today. I took it and my iron tablet out to dinner with David. We stopped off at our new two house for a look around (it looks nice). We then skipped the grill as was our goal and went to the local wine bar and had two glasses of pinot grigio, crackers and cheese. I don't know whether it was the two glasses of wine or the 4th prozac but I am suddenly feeling MUCH BETTER!! For those of you that can remember...there was a beer commercial where two brothers sat on a dock on a lake and one said to the other.."I love you man" to the other and then the screen panned back to Miller Light. well I hugged Meghan...and told her I loved her. I gave Grace a high five and she wacked me with her cast and I told her I loved her. and then I hugged them both while we walked back to the townhouse to show meghan the place..Oh did I tell you they came along after a while and I bought Meghan a glass of wine too.

I LOVE YOU ALL :) hic.........Remind me of this moment when I am back at stupid work tomorrow :)
That kind of crap is one of the reasons I HATED working for the University here. So glad your day ended with love...
Good lord I remember the days of wandering from office to office to office in college. NEVER getting anywhere!
The way you ended the day sounds spectacular. It is my most favorite thing to do. A glass of cool crisp wine (a little on the dry side) and cheese. If there are crackers then cool. But wine and cheese is for me!
Sounds like you refused to let the day ruin your evening with the family. Good for you.
Oh Tina, I need a Prozac after just reading that. WOW! If you need a evening out. Just holler! I'm right off of Powell these days.
I've been thinking about having a glass of wine all day (ok - for the last hour or so) and now I read your post ... karma :)
I'm exhausted just by reading this. It does make you feel that in some cases getting admin computerised has been a retrograde step. The NHS sometimes generates problems like this. Ugh.
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