Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not Much To Talk About

I have another fill appointment tomorrow. I am not fully confident that I need one but I am going to risk being miserable over Thanksgiving and do it anyway. I hit an all time low of 215 and then bounced back up to 219. Since then I have been working my way back down to the 215 again. If all goes according to plan tomorrow should be that day I regain the 215 mark. Of course-that is why I think I am going to go for the fill as it was at this weight I rebounded back up the scale again.

My sense of restriction has been up and down. When I drink and eat a yogurt things go down fairly slowly but other food slip right down just fine. sandwiches, fruit, cheese, crackers are not a problem. It is an odd thing and again a reason to question the wisdom of increasing my fill. I will let you know how the appointment goes and how my holiday eating plays out.

Last week I ran around another part of the state doing classroom observations. I wrote a long post about it but after reading the thing I thought better (I was in a bad and hopeless mood about our educational system) and deleted it. I have observed over 100 classrooms teach math over the past 10 years and sometimes the lack of interesting and innovative instruction gets to me. Don't get me wrong I saw several good lessons. I think it is more like the saying..when she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she was rotten. The bad sometimes overpower my feelings of hopefulness.

I am still in a career crisis decisions or actions made but lots of thinking.


THE DASH! said...

Oh these bands of our are finicky.. mine is doing that too - some things go down ok.. others not then suddenly I will have PB over something that DID go down just fine. But like you, I'm heading for a fill.. I'm sure of it.
Lol I got your message too about the 'crap' mistake - was very funny and had me giggling for a bit. Typos are a pain but add to the whole theatrics of a great message.

Nola said...

I can't understand my band at the moment either! I have an appointment on the 12th Dec and I think I will get a bit more fill....I hope we go OK over the holidays:)