Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giving In To Exercise? and more Gibber Jabber

I'm still here. Stuff has been going on but not on the scale. It leads me to believe that I am finally at the end of my lazy (yes I have been moving more but not exercising) ways. As I type this my inside voice is screaming...noooooo I don't want to. I hate exercise and sweat. Sigh.....

Ok now to what has been going on. I moved Cinda out of the house yesterday to her apartment back at college. I drove David's ginormous new truck for the first time (see the man in the chair blog for further details-I told him to post a pic) . It was better than I thought to drive but I did not even attempt to back it into our driveway and parked it on the street when I came home. Just to get a little perspective on the size of this example of gross excess. A queen sized bed fit flat in the back with room to spare on either side. When I told this to David-he was slightly embarrassed but is still in love with his new monster or as we have dubbed it-white horse.

Cinda in a creative act of silliness named our three cars before she left-I have the gray whale, David is white horse and the smaller truck that Cinda drives has been dubbed white wolf. I somehow feel that David's much bigger truck should get the whale brand but since it was purchased with hauling a future horse trailer in mind (see Grace's blog called Half-British). The horse-trailer is a ways off but she is doing brilliantly in lessons and seems to have found a sport she will stick with for the long haul. Now we just have to decide if we are going to be city people or country people..somehow I think country will win out in the end.

Last night we cleaned out Grace's old room in preparation for the carpet guy who is coming tomorrow. We have four more rooms to empty (goodness knows where all of the crap will go). I cannot believe how much stuff can fall behind a bed, under a bed, behind a dresser....etc. We also have some painting and wallboard to put up.

I am off to work today and have to pack a load of stuff down to Cinda on the way that she left behind. Cinda's university is located 20 minutes north of the one where I work. Oregon is strange in that most of its state universities are along the coasts-one along the northern border but east. four along the west coast and finally one in the south (sort of central) east. Most of the Oregon Acreage is without higher education opportunities. I suppose this as in many parts of the world, is the reason online learning opportunities are springing up (my current job is developing one of these).

I hope anyone who reads this is having a stupendous day!!

1 comment:

DocSly said...

I know what you mean about exercise. I drive from school to school and by the time I get home, I am tired and don't always get to the rec center. Inner voice needs to scream louder for me. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog.