Thursday, May 3, 2012

CH Ch Ch Changes.

After some soul searching and another blip up on the scale I finally took action on that half-baked plan of mine to make a fill appointment.  I have called and amazingly I have an appointment next week to go in for a fill with my surgeon no less.  So I always used to moan about not getting to see my surgeon but I kind of like the new nurse practitioner and I actually had a little pity party in my head about it :).

I am going to ask for my last amount.  Last fall I had something like 0.2 ml taken out.  As I am planning on making a try without the Prozac for a while I am hoping that this will return to the perfect amount of restriction.

I am still working on preparation for the shop.  I have class schedules printed. I am meeting with a yarn wholesaler next week and I have ordered a few things that should be coming soon.  My Ikea order is still unfinished but I am hoping that by this weekend the extra stuff comes in.  We also now have the opportunity to rent an extra garage right behind our house. we won't have to drive to the storage unit and it gives us good incentive to clear out a bunch of stuff before hauling it over here.

I am going to ask my daughters to come over and help with a big moving session this weekend.  Mostly because I am hoping they will take their stuff away and pick up some of my rejects before I haul them off to goodwill and the dump.

Like so many of us this living at or near goal means that our lives get filled up with all of the stuff we never had the energy to do before.  Before the band I was a couch sitter most evenings and spent my nights working on my computer and watching TV.  Now I am out and about much more frequently but that means my computer sits for longer periods of time unopened.  The result is that I fear my blogging time is starting to slip.  I will still come in here to say hi and I will definitely read your blogs but don't be offended or disappear completely if I slow down on the blogging lark.

Please ask me questions and post comments.  It does keep me motivated for sure!!!



Linda said...

Your shop sounds so cool- you must be excited. I always wanted to learn to knit. I hope the fill goes well for you.

Rhonda said...

I can't wait to see the finished project (if you post pics of it!), I know your shop will be fabulous.

I hope you got alot done this weekend. :)

Good luck with the fill this week!