Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 2

Day 2:

Holy moly not feeling hungry is CRAZYYYY.  Day two and I am still jaw seizing jittery.  I do rather like the energy as one commenter stated yesterday and I LOVE with double hearts that lack of hunger.  Today I had my morning smoothie and sipped water all day.  I just sat down to a couple of slices of cheese.  I was done with it before my band told me to.  Now:  Is this what the other people feel?  Is this what I have been missing?  Man o man I wish I could have that feeling all of the time.

The same post-er said that the feeling fades in a couple of weeks :(  I am not sure I am happy about this.

I worked out with the trainer guy I hired for my birthday.  He has been evicted from the garage he works at so we did our thing in the local park.  I will have him snap a photo on Friday so you can see what it looks like-and how I look like hell :).  We did a lot of work with the bands, some stair steps and this one move that I HATE where he had me stand on the band with both feet and then side walk pushing against the band.  My shoes kept getting stuck in the band and it was not fun.  Thankfully Martin (that is his name) changed things and let me do something else.  We finished up with crunches in the garage and a quick stretch and I was done.  I am hoping to rope a few other people in the neighborhood to share expenses with me so I can keep doing it twice a week.

I then dashed home to open the store.  I had a couple of packages to post.  Customers were filing in (this should not be happening as there should be post yarn crawl lull and Wednesdays are usually quiet).  I had a friend come in and there were times when both of us were needed to deal with customers.

I left my friend in the store and did a quick run to the mailman, the bank, accountant and ahhh a massage :)  I have been going once a week for about two months now (thankfully our insurance account covers it).  It has helped but not cured my hand problem.  Then it was back to the store more customers, more paperwork and then time to close.

I am now upstairs coercing my 13 year old to actually do the homework she is assigned..gah :) can I take a nap yet?

I will weigh tomorrow ...I hope its good news.

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