Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1 splart =1 tablespoon according to my 12 year old

Things my 12 year old says that make me go Hmm....

1.  After reading her my post from yesterday and the comments she said in a very authoritative voice:  Well actually a splart is a little known unit of measurement approximately equal to two tablespoons..hmm or is that one?  Of course I believed her because she has the gift of LIE---There is no such mention of a splart in any google search.  If you find one definitely link it.

2.  When the local air show (just 1/2 mile down the road) started their fireworks show at 10:15 at night and it ran until 10:45 she came into our room and moaned in a very moany way.  "what the heck are they doing making such a racket at this time of the night?"...Ok she is 12 and those are fireworks.  I would expect..lets go on the rooftop or can we walk and go see but?? when are they going to end????  I guess 12 is the new 90.

3.  David is restoring an old APPLE IIe desk computer.  One just like the one he learned on at the age of 10.  He ordered old floppy disks and they arrived.  He pulled them out of the package and asked Grace if she could identify them.  She did without hesitation and you should have seen him puff up with pride.  I then gave them both a rash of crap..as you could see him thinking in his head..that my girl..my technological nerd girl..she knows the gear.  Some serious nerd love going on in my kitchen over stupid floppy disks.

A photo of this nerd girl:


Tamzin said...

That made me think of a "sheppey". As a wool pervayor you should know that one! Teehee

Dawnya said...

When did she get so big? I love nerd life.

Sandy said...

She is soooo pretty. And nerds are fun too!

Beth Ann said...

Hee! Love her!!