The house was as one would expect a manor house right out of some Jane Austin novel. There were two concrete dogs on either side of the front door. antique (well more like inexpensive but well placed used furniture). There as a formal living room and dining room. a large family room with a huge fireplace (and I suspect the oldest part of the house circa 1600's or older). There were loads of stairs that went up and down and around to one bedroom after another. With five couples in our party we had several good ones to choose from. David and I went with a modern one that came with an attached bathroom. Each couple chose, bought for and cooked one meal over the weekend. As David and I arrived first we chose to cook dinner on Friday. David made steaks while I did all of the chopping to make carrots, broccoli and yummy quinoa risotto.
The weather was warm at times and rainy but we all had a great time listening to music, imbibing, dancing on the front lawn, and visiting the mapa mundi in Hereford.
Saturday evening David and I took a long walk along the back lanes and watched nature. David even taught me how to play pooh sticks in a river along the way. We found tiny frogs, hawks, cows, and bunnies.
On Sunday all 10 of us went out to a local pub for lunch and had a great time talking and visiting. By Sunday evening we were all tired and snoozed and lazed about in the family room.
By Monday morning at 10am we had to leave so it was a mad dash to clean up after ourselves and get out the door. David's cold during the previous week seemed to get passed along to me and three other people who stayed with us for the weekend.
On our way home we stopped off at Hereford for some shopping and took a side trip to Gloucester to look around. We have both decided if we can somehow figure out a way to retire we are ready to leap :) This life of leisure if GREAT! We finished up the trip back to David's mums along the Severn River on the Wales side.
This place had a really similar logo however
On the Eye but miserably cold!
Tea and tuna sandwiches at the Welsh cultural center. Grace, David and Granny.

A picture of the formal living room in the house.
Yes, I could also get used to a life of leisure :) Yours in a manor is far more glamorous that mine on a couch (waiting for band-day) but at least I got to live in a manor via you for a few ... love the photos !
Don't you all look like you're having fun! Do hope we can meet up OK on Sunday, it would be so nice. Let us know what time of day suits you.
The photos are amazing!! Oh how I would love to be a lady of leisure .... oh well back to reality! Grace looks like she is loving it :)
Sounds like an amazing trip-- I'm glad it was fabulous! You look great too-- and Grace has your gorgeous smile :)
Wow Tina!! Looks like you are having a great time! Too bad about the rain though....
Your vacation pictures are wonderful and you look beautiful! I laugh about different sizing. In Korea a size 8 is extra large!
Lovely afternoon! As I've just posted part 3 of a story, I'll wait a few days before writing about our meet up and posting a pic. I went into M&S intending to buy something for dinner and came away with dinner and three blouses. Oh well...
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